These services offer a different level of guidance depending upon your needs. There is a service for those who just require general information on a given issue. There is also a service for those looking to uncover every stone and obtain every detail about a situation.
Psychic Reading 25 Minutes
This type of reading is for those who require one thing to be answered. Your energy is the only one brought forward.
Mediumship Readings 45-90 Minutes
This type of reading is for those who want something more detailed. The broad direction of where you want to go is clear but the bigger details still remain unclear. This reading taps into the energies of the spirit world, deceased loved ones, spirit guides, and the higher self are called in order to give information required to help you move forward.
The readings are done via video conference.
Prophetic Reading 60-120 Minutes
Three potential futures will be given. This type of reading will call in versions of you from different dimensions. These future realities will be extremely detailed. You will understand what can happen at every turn. This will be a blow by blow play of how things will proceed within each different timeline.
Numerology Core Chart Reading
This reading gives Tells you who you are as a person. This includes what your life purpose is, what you are here to create, a better way to function in your day to day life, and how you will continue to mature over the years.
This includes a written report as well as a 60 minute video session going over the report and any questions you have.
Personal Year Numerology Chart Reading
This reading gives you a breakdown of what energies will be important each month out of the year. Instead of taking action and hoping for the best, you can better plan out when to take specific steps in order to reap the most fruit. You will understand when it is time to put in the grind work and when it is time to rest.
This includes a written report as well as a 20 minute video session going over the report and any questions you have.
Natal Chart Astrology Reading
You will get the rundown of all the major planetary relationships in your chart. This will give a detailed overview of every of every area of your life. What is your communication style? How are you in relationships, both personal and professional? You will have a deeper understanding about who you are from an earthly standpoint.